A riverfarm in the Serra da Estrela Mountains

On the Dionisio Farm... we bring playfull consciousness and earth sciences together with traditional wisdom and creativity in designing a sustainable habitat.”

“Your eyes have to adjust to the alignment in which the context of the natural world is pulled outward, so that its inhabitants, including creatures, oceans, forests and urban infrastructures are like musicians in a jazz group, improvising together.”

Gregory Bateson

  • To explore new ways of living, learning and working in nature...
  • To safeguard autochthonous knowledge based on local resources...
  • To equip individuals, groups and communities with the skills and a context that help them to add meaning...
Involving change in movement

"Staying at the Quinta Dionísio makes you feel you are in a different world. An environment that is shaped by strong natural elements which make your mindset become free from predetermined values and convictions. The place is wild and invites connection and change. You are provided with a new frame of reference that is unique, quirky and unconventional."

Ponderosa Portugal Project

Socio-educational community for progressive, autonomous, creative and idealistic young people

Ecology and Art at the base of Resilient Development

Activities on the Farm

music & theatre


family agriculture

organic building



You cannot step twice into the same river

Dionísio Cast

Biologist & eco-pedagogist

Caretaker of the farm & beekeeper

Curious to know this place?


Quinta Dionísio 6300-225 Trinta Portugal


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+351 962 821 282

+31 634 876 655
